Brandon talks with Penelope about her sexually coercive marriage to a physical abuser. It’s a story of de-escalation modes, proving yourself, IPV, narcissistic rage, mixed messages about money, and the relationship with your body.
Brandon talks with Cassandra about her marriage to a charming Christian rage filled abuser. It’s a story of threats, using kids as pawns, shame, the broken court system, and smear campaigns.
Brandon talks with Saturday about her abusive marriage to an unhinged narcissist. It's a story of threats, reactive abuse, stalking, smear campaigns, shame, divorce, and the safety of a step child.
Brandon talks with Judy about her fairy tale 15 year marriage that turned into a nightmare with a covert narcissist. It's a story of betrayal trauma, infidelity, financial abuse, PTSD, love fraud, and stolen memories.
Brandon talks with Ethel about her physically abusive relationship with a violent narcissist who used their PTSD as an excuse for everything. It’s a story of victim playing, infidelity, guilt, shame, emotional abuse, and the power of persuasion.
Brandon talks with Adelaide about her 10 year toxic relationship with a dehumanizing wealthy narcissist abuser. It’s a story of financial abuse, isolation, infidelity, neglect, threats, and that something was wrong..
Brandon talks with Freda about her abusive marriage with an entitled toxic narcissist. It's a story of facades, fraud, infidelity, forensic accounting, and knowing that something was wrong.
Brandon talks with Kaya about her toxic relationship with a psychological abuser. It's a story of addiction, fear, smear campaigns, and post relationship abuse.
Brandon talks with Aurora about her abusive marriage to a covert narcissist. It’s a story of trauma responses, future faking, coming out, and changing abuse tactics.
Brandon talks with Regan about her toxic relationship with a future faking abuser. It’s a story of belief systems, moving goal posts, breadcrumbs, hoover tactics, and looking inward in the aftermath.