
ShowSexual Abuse Episodes

Episode 5

Uma & Fleeing The Post Separation Abuser (Part 2) – Domestic Violence, Narcissist Abuse, Sexual Abuse PTSD, IPV

Almost two years ago, Uma was a guest on our show after fleeing to another state to escape her abuser. Things began to look for a while. It looked like custody of their child may have been uncontested, but unfortunately, Uma's abusive ex came out of...

Episode 37

Harley’s Controlling Narcissistic Mother & The Existence of Kate McKinnon – Narcissist Abuse, LGTBQ+, Emotional Abuse

Harley's mom always knew what was best for her. If Harley ever disagreed with her, no matter how respectfully or meekly, her mom would always claim it as a mistreatment of her. For 20+ years, Harley lived in a world of gaslighting, but she didn't...

Episode 35

Mia & The Triangulating Psychological Abuser – Domestic Abuse, Narcissist Abuse, Emotional Abuse, CPTSD

Mia met her husband as a teenager. Their relationship was a dream come true. But after the birth of their first child, everything about her husband changed. Mia was relegated to secondary supply and became the scapegoat of the family. Children as...

Episode 34

Lennon & Maybe This Is What Love Is – Domestic Violence, Narcissist Abuse, Financial Abuse, Emotional Abuse

Lennon met her future husband at a rooftop bar. He was intelligent, driven, strong, and seemingly steady. However, as soon as their relationship became romantic, controlling behavior emerged. And once they were married, the coercive control ramped...

Episode 33

Caroline & The Sexually Coercive Religious Abuser – Domestic Violence, Narcissist Abuse, PTSD

Caroline thought she met her Christian Prince Charming, and for 3.5 years, their dating life was near perfect. However, once they were married, Caroline's Christian Prince Charming quickly turned into a sexually coercive boundary pusher who couldn't...

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