Harley's mom always knew what was best for her. If Harley ever disagreed with her, no matter how respectfully or meekly, her mom would always claim it as a mistreatment of her. For 20+ years, Harley lived in a world of gaslighting, but she didn't...
Olia fell in love with a charismatic individual who transitioned to a woman during their relationship. Knowing the transition for her partner would be very difficult, Olia bent over backward to be emotionally/physically available, but it was never...
Brandon talks with Erika about her toxic relationship with a triangulating grifter. It’s a story of sexual identity manipulation, social media smear campaigns, escape plans, and the healing power of the enneagram.
Brandon talks with Aurora about her abusive marriage to a covert narcissist. It’s a story of trauma responses, future faking, coming out, and changing abuse tactics.
Chad talks with Greg about growing up in a household with an emotionally abusive mother and a physically abusive father. It's a story of shame, guilt, abuse cycles, and going no contact for good. Plus they discuss, scapegoats, gaslighting, yoga...