From the moment Leighton was born, her dad used her as either a pawn or a prop for his nefarious needs. Leighton's dad was part grifter, part abuser, part predator, and because of that, Leighton lived her life in constant chaos.
Olia fell in love with a charismatic individual who transitioned to a woman during their relationship. Knowing the transition for her partner would be very difficult, Olia bent over backward to be emotionally/physically available, but it was never...
Lemon thought she found 'acceptance' when she got into a relationship with the man of her dreams. But unfortunately for Lemon, there was a power imbalance right from the start and Lemon endured 10 years of emotional abuse.
Brandon talks with Riley about her controlling relationship with a triangulating physical abuser. It’s a story of self love deficit, fixing potential, generational trauma, financial abuse, intimate partner violence, and the struggle to leave for...
July thought she met the perfect man, but he turned out to be the perfect wolf in sheep's clothing. By exploiting July's biggest strength, July's ex turned it into her biggest weakness, which almost cost July her life.
Brandon talks with Elle about her toxic relationship with a paranoid controlling abuser. It’s a story of insecurities, conforming, sexual coercion, responsibility deficit disorder, recognizing patterns, and post separation abuse. .
Brandon talks with Nina about surviving abuse at the hands of her narcissistic mother and new abusive husband. It’s a story of kidnapping, conditional love, sexual abuse, physical abuse, sibling roles, trauma, guilt, shame, and healing.
Brandon talks with Mercedes about her toxic marriage to a controlling manipulative narcissist. It’s a story of competency, self-worth, financial abuse, stalking, and post-separation abuse.
Brandon talks with Larisa about her toxic relationship with an entitled narcissistic abuser. It’s a story of addiction, isolation, intimidation, sexual coercion, and self defense.
Brandon talks with Benji about his toxic relationship with his physically abusive wife. It’s a story of jealousy, false arrest, documentation, and self doubt.